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Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone Ericsson Phone
 Easy internet access
  (CDPD browser)
 2-way text messaging
  with Chatboard support
 EZ-Read Menus and
  full graphics display
  (40 x 101 pix)
 Superior coverage with
  the high performance
  antenna, even in weak
  signal strength areas

Browse through the complete catalog of Sony Ericsson mobile phones. If you don't find what you're looking for, remember to check the 'Coming soon' section for products available in the near future.

Sony Ericsson reserves the right to postpone/stop the launch of any product without prior notice.

Technology you can trust
Technology you can trust
The simple phone for your busy life
Take the Internet with you
The phone that's simply smarter
A1228di Thumbnail
Technology made simple
Technology for living
R278d Thumbnail
The handset to the net
R280di Thumbnail
Your online mobile connection
R289LX Thumbnail
Your online mobile connection
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